School Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

About Us


The Rightly Guided College

At Rightly Guided College, we are dedicated to providing a unique and comprehensive Islamic education that empowers our students to become well-rounded individuals. Our school combines a strong academic curriculum with a deep focus on Islamic values, teachings, and practices.

Our faculty and staff are highly qualified and passionate educators who work tirelessly to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. We believe every student has unique talents and abilities, and we strive to nurture those strengths through a personalized approach to education.

At Rightly Guided College, we are committed to fostering a love for Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) and instilling a deep understanding of the Quran and Sunnah. We believe that promoting academic excellence, critical thinking, and civic engagement can inspire positive change in our communities and beyond.

Join us in our mission to raise responsible and contributing members of the global community who lead exemplary lives guided by Islamic principles. At The Rightly Guided Academy, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional education that prepares our students to become confident, ethical, and compassionate leaders.


To raise the total man, a responsible member of the global community.


Creating the right balance by nurturing lifelong relationships with the Qur’an, as we pursue moral & academic excellence for future new generations.


Our objective is to be a benchmark institution by providing a pure comprehensive and quantitative education that can develop every child to face future challenges with confidence in the competitive world. We discover, nurture and develop inherent talents and values in every student and also inculcate in them moral values which will give them an edge to resist negative social influence.

Our Unique Features

  • Small group settings, provide more individualized attention
  • High-quality Quran programme which teaches the students the Quran correctly along with proper Tajweed.
  • Unique Tahfeedh programme designed to help students memorize the Quran in 6 years
  • Trade, Entrepreneurship, and leadership training
  • Exposure to International Exams such as IELTS, SAT, TOEFL,
  • Teaching and Learning Revolutionized System